Dunlop RWS11

Dunlop RWS11
  • Dunlop RWS11
Artikelnummer / Code:176888 / JD-DL-SL-00080-RWS11
Verfügbarkeit: Nicht auf Lager
Andere Produktbezeichnungen:Dunlop RWS11, Dunlop DL-SL-00080-RWS11, Dunlop DL SL 00080 RWS11, Dunlop DLSL00080RWS11, DL-SL-00080-RWS11, DL SL 00080 RWS11, DLSL00080RWS11

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30.9 EUR

Dunlop RWS11

The Reverend Willy's Mo-Jo Porcelain Guitar Slide is crafted of high-fired porcelain and coated in a thick glaze, resulting in tone that's articulate but not too bright. Designed with just the right amount of mass for a thick singing tone that's as big as Texas. Featuring a moisture-absorbing interior to prevent slipping.

- In Zusammenarbeit mit Billy Gibbons (ZZ Top) entwickelt
- Pyrex Glas
- Blues Bottle Style
- Höhenreicher, brillanter Ton
- erhältliche Größe: medium
- Handmade in USA
